Sarah Palin did not misstate what a VP does

Here’s the answer that Sarah Palin gave to a third grader who asked what it is that the Vice President does:

And Here’s the specific part CNN was interested in:

“They’re in charge of the United States Senate. So, if they want to, they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes.”

Here’s the title of the CNN story (as it appears on regarding her comments:

“Palin misstates VP role”

Now, I’m no constitutional law expert but luckily for me the constitution is written in English so I can pretty well understand it.

And to be quite honest, the constitution doesn’t much address what the specifics of the Vice President’s role are…

In fact, here is the one and only provision pertaining to the Vice President in regards to the Senate:

“The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”

Seems to me that being the president of something means you are “in charge” of it, at least formally, and when you’re trying to explain what the VP does to a third grader thats not a half bad way of doing it. So if that wasn’t the offending part of this excerpt it must have been the insinuation that the Vice President, “if they want to”, can influence senators on policy.

But if the Vice President isn’t supposed to influence policy in the Senate then what exactly are they supposed to do? Just wait around for the President to die? I mean, besides outlining how the VP is elected (and revising it in the 12th amendment and several others), impeached, and that the VP assumes the office of the President if the President is unable or unfit to fulfill the duties of that office what does the constitution tell us?

Again, only that the Vice President is the president of the Senate and casts the decisive vote when there is a tie. And, again, I’m left wondering what CNN sees as the gaffe in Palin’s statement…

They quote Donald Ritchie, a historian in the Senate Historical Office for what seems to be the real crux of their argument:

Donald Ritchie, a historian in the Senate Historical Office told CNN that Palin’s comment was an “overstatement” of what her role would be.

“The vice president is the ceremonial officer of the Senate and has certain ceremonial functions including swearing in new senators and can vote to break a tie,” he said. “It’s a relatively limited role. It’s evolved into a neutral presiding officer of the Senate.

Ritchie also noted recent vice presidents have played a behind-the-scenes lobbying role on Capitol Hill for an administration’s policies, but called it “somewhat limited.”

Personally, I find these assertions to be contentious. Who is Ritchie to say what kind of Vice President Sarah Palin will be? And if anything the office of Vice President has been moving away from its “somewhat limited” role of influencing senate policy decisions, you only need to look at Dick Cheney to figure that out. Plus, everything I’ve heard Palin say about the kind of Vice President she’ll be points to one that is very engaged in influencing policy. After all, she has the right to be that kind of Vice President if she so chooses.

So, really, CNN has absolutely no basis for characterizing Palin’s view of the Vice Presidency as a misstatement. But, hey, they’ve got a narrative to keep so any chance they get to paint Sarah Palin as incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above they’re gonna jump at it. Oh yeah, they aren’t the only ones either…

PS. CNN must consider this an important story since they keep bumping it to the top of their “political ticker”…

UPDATE: Oh, would you look at this, Biden said the exact same thing about what he plans to do as VP.

Biden vs Palin so far…

So the number 1s have chosen their number 2s. Lets take a minute to make a video comparison of the two latest video from Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.

Here’s biden at a campaign event making a little gaffe and sounding just plain painful… (Bob Casey jr was negative 2 years old at the time)


And here’s Sarah Palin on CNBC sounding smooth and informed… plus she isn’t afraid to directly critique her own party.


McCain’s pick looks better and better every hour… can you say the same of Obama’s pick?

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Sarah Palin, The most experienced?

So, now that the pick is in, its time for the Democratic attacks to start…

What about Sarah Palin (who went to the University of Idaho) will they attack you ask? Well, as Ironic as it is, her inexperience…

That’s right, Barack Obama and his surrogates will attack Sarah Palin because she doesn’t have enough experience to lead… boy oh boy. Now, any sane person will surely see right through this pathetic tactic (seriously, couldn’t they come up with anything better?) but I figure why not examine it anyway?

Well, it is true that Sarah Palin has only been Governor of Alaska for a year and a half. However, as Barack Obama pointed out himself once, Obama actually has less on the job experience that Palin since he basically started campaigning for president immediately after being elected to the Senate.

But beside that point, there is a whole nother aspect to this whole “experience” debate… an aspect that Palin wins hands down (even when compared to McCain).

And that is the experience of running a government. Palin is the only one who has any executive experience. She is the only one knows what its like to be the one and only person in charge of making the important decisions (from all accounts they’ve been good decisions) and accepting responsibility for their consequences. Being an executive is most certainly a whole different experience from being a legislator.

Palin’s executive experience adds a lot to McCain’s ticket… not to mention the many other advantages she brings.

Good job McCain, you have seriously made a winning pick. I am impressed.

UPDATE: Obama attacks but then backs off

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Pick Pawlenty (or Romney if you must)… AND Lieberman

So, as I’m sure you know, there has been buckets and buckets of speculation over the GOP veepstakes and of course some friendly advice on who the pick should be. Well… now its my turn and honestly it seems like there is only one choice (maybe two), however I have a, not so secret twist, to my analysis.

OK, I’m just gonna jump right to the point, pick Pawlenty for VP. He is by far the best choice for you, period. He is pro-life, he is a conservative who won’t piss people like me off, he has more experience than Obama, he doesn’t run his mouth into dark racist allies like Biden, and you like him John.

I mean if you really feel shaky in the knees about your economic persona and expertise then, fine, pick Romney. He wouldn’t be a death blow to your candidacy atleast. But he does have negatives that will hurt you. Honestly, you can’t make ads against your opponent’s ticket with them going after each other and then turn around and pick someone who you clearly (and publicly) despised just a couple months ago. And I can just see the Romney vs Romney ads now… The guy is the republican John Kerry. But, regardless, he does have a following in the base and he could, most likely, hold his own against Biden in a debate (can Pawlenty?).

And, for the GOP’s sake, DO NOT PICK LIEBERMAN… for VP atleast. Lieberman not only is wrong on abortion, one of the most important issues to red-blooded Republicans and Conservatives alike, he is wrong on absolutely everything save national security. Putting Lieberman on the bottom half of your ticket will drive the base insane. And more than that it will drive young conservatives, like me, away from the GOP, a party that is only hold on to them by a thread.

However, you know what you could do to make your conservative base happy and still appeal to the independents you so love? It’s simple… after you pick Tim Pawlenty (or Romney) as your VP you make a triumphant announcement that you will be picking your long-time friend and highly respected “Independent Democrat”, Joe Lieberman, as your Secretary of State.

Think about it for a minute. Like I said before, Lieberman only has one winning issue (atleast to republicans) and that’s his foreign policy. Now, what high ranking cabinet member deals exclusively with foreign policy? Secretary of State. Think about it a minute longer. How much added media attention could you gobble up with an announcement of this kind? Lots, I mean has any candidate ever nominated a Secretary of State before (and one from another party at that)?

And, most importantly of all, with that simple, but bold, move you can have your conservative cake and eat it with your independent friends too! Everyones happy… (except the Democrats, of course) and isn’t that what you want?

UPDATE: McCain being smart and not picking a pro-abortion VP? The pick is Pawlenty?

UPDATE: McCain set to make his pick Friday at high noon.

UPDATE: McCain picks someone even better than Pawlenty!

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