Liberals Use Deceptive Editing of Sandy Hook Hearing to Smear Gun Owners

In the wake of a gun control hearing involving the father of one of the victims of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting BuzzFeed, The Telegraph, and other liberal media outlets have resorted to deceptive editing tricks in order to smear gun owners.  A video promoted by all of the aforementioned sites purportedly shows the “father of Newtown victim heckled by NRA supporters”. However, when the heavily edited video of Neil Heslin is compared to the raw video, available at Twitchy, it becomes apparent that important context has been removed from the interaction.

Clearly the gun owners in the crowd are reacting to Mr. Heslin’s repeated request that somebody in the room tell him why “assault weapons” shouldn’t be banned. In fact, the crowd only reacts after Mr. Heslin takes their silence as a form of agreeing with his point. This is the only time that gun owners in the crowd appear to interject in the testimony.

This in no way constitutes heckling.

Furthermore, the fact that many media outlets were perfectly willing to forward one of the most deceptively edited videos I’ve ever seen in order to smear gun owners is incredible. After all these are the same media outlets that tarred and feathered James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart for far less. Where is their outrage now?

Why did they forward such an obvious deception? Where have all the fact checkers gone? Why is this smear allowed to propagate?

Will any of the liberal media outlets that passed along this video to their readers correct themselves now? Will they apologize to the gun owners they helped smear?

In case anybody was still wondering how radical the American system of higher education is…

Here are 3,247 (and counting) of those who run the system that signed a petition in support of “Distinguished Professor” Bill Ayres.

Can’t say I’m surprised.

Well, actually, I am quite surprised that nobody from my school, Messiah College, has signed yet.

Also, for all my friends at West Chester University, I just wanted to point out Professor Lawrence Davidson as a supporter of Bill Ayres… Good luck in his completely balanced classes!

(I forgot to mention that if you look at the petition’s site the professors are listed by name and school. So you can look up your favorite nut job professor to see if they’ve signed yet! Have fun.)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors have read Ayres’ book? (they easily could have since it was republished in 2006)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors are going to read Ayres’ new book?

Obama Youth take two

This time it’s more militant:


As if the last one wasn’t Hitler-youth-y enough… (Ed Morrissey disagrees)

Here’s some food for thought:

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”

-Adolf Hitler

HOLY CRAP UPDATE: You know… it’s one thing for miss guided supporters to start pawning off their kids to Obama but it’s something entirely different for a presidential campaign to actively try and recruit kids as campaign tools. But honestly this Kids for Obama initiative goes beyond that to pure indoctrination on a level that terrifies me. Read the latest on Kids for Obama

Is Bradley Jacobs of Us Weekly the new Dick Harper?

So, Bradley Jacobs, the senior editor of Us Weekly appeared on Fox News’ American Election HQ at 5:55 today to defend the hit piece they slapped on their increasingly worthless (and I mean by the minute) cover page. And as you may have already guessed, it was atrocious.

But, as the clearly unprepared, stumbling, and bumbling hack, Bradley Jacobs, fumbled his way through the first half of the interview… ok, actually the entire interview… I couldn’t help but be reminded of the scene in “Fun with Dick and Jane” where Jim Carey’s character is taken completely by surprise and gets utterly man-handled (or in this case woman-handled, gosh I’m so clever). I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit… (I can’t say the same of the rest of the content of the interview)

But don’t take my word for it… compare the videos yourself:


UPDATE: Do my eyes deceive me or did Us Weekly wipe (looks like their comments section is back up and running now… simple glitch or something more?) their site clean of the 5600 (looks like there’s almost 6000 comments now) negative comments they received on their hit piece? (here’s a cached version of the page so you can get an idea of the comments, you know… in case the comments section suddenly goes down again)

UPDATE: More bumbling idiots from the left come out after Palin… Proof positive that her speech hit home!

UPDATE: MASSIVE backlash directed towards Us Weekly…

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Biden vs Palin so far…

So the number 1s have chosen their number 2s. Lets take a minute to make a video comparison of the two latest video from Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.

Here’s biden at a campaign event making a little gaffe and sounding just plain painful… (Bob Casey jr was negative 2 years old at the time)


And here’s Sarah Palin on CNBC sounding smooth and informed… plus she isn’t afraid to directly critique her own party.


McCain’s pick looks better and better every hour… can you say the same of Obama’s pick?

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Obama intro video: less than a minute dedicated to his experience

I just rewound my Tivo after I was surprised at how little time they dedicated to trying to establish Barack Obama’s experience in his introduction video. And I’m not kidding on this… it was less than one minute, and that includes when they were talking about his “community organizer” and state senate days. According to my rough count they spent about 20-30 seconds (my exact count was 20 but I’ll throw in a buffer) on his national political experience.

And even more odd than the lack of time spent on his national experience, because lets face it there just isn’t much, was how they choose to highlight his time in the US Senate.

After quickly mentioning that fought for “energy independence”, “Nuclear Proliferation”, and “Ethics Reform” the video cuts to US Senator Claire McCaskill saying “I watched him stand in the middle where alot of the senior members of the Senate were saying “hey, go away and leave us alone”, he wouldn’t”.

I guess that was intended to make him sound determined… but it doesn’t give any context. I mean why were they telling him to go away? What were the senior Senators talking about? Why did Obama want to talk to them so badly? Honestly, without an explanation it just makes Obama sound annoying (or determined depending on your perspective I guess).

In stark contrast to the time allotted to talk about Obama’s experience about 5 minutes were dedicated to talking about his childhood…

Things can’t be good for your party when the 10 minute video introducing your candidate at his acceptance speech only spends 20 seconds talking about his experience in national politics…

UPDATE: Best line of the night for me was when Obama claimed that he wasn’t a celebrity… while delivering a speech to 85,000 adoring fans… in a converted football stadium… in front of a set that looks like a temple… with a massive fireworks display at the conclusion

UPDATE: Nomination acceptance speech or Super Bowl half time show? You Decide…


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