Live Tweeting President Obama’s Speech to the UN

Since I was recently randomly granted press credentials by the white house I figured I’d give covering the President a shot. So I now present, in chronological order, my live tweeting of President Obama’s speech to the United Nations as I heard it:

Obama: “bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla *head swivel* bla bla bla *head swivel* bla bla bla bla”

Obama: “bla bla bla bla cleavage bla bla bla in this body bla bla bla” Continue reading Live Tweeting President Obama’s Speech to the UN

Second Stimulus?

The economy continues to dwindle in these harsh economic times.  Job losses have fallen in every month since BidenJanuary and the unemployment rate, 9.4%, is at a twenty-six year low.  Based on these statistics, Congress has asked themselves if a second stimulus bill is needed.  Let me give you a quick answer, NO!

Let’s go back to the first stimulus, named the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The enormous $787 billion bill failed according to President Barack Obama’s predictions. While campaigning for its vote, Obama stated that without this very important bill, the unemployment rate will rise to 9% in 2010. Conversely, he said, if this legislation is passed, unemployment will not exceed 8%. However, the stimulus bill has not succeeded in doing what President Obama thought it would do, as seen by the unemployment rate flirting with 10%.

With his approval ratings decreasing, Obama sent his Vice President to calm the storm in Ohio, where less than half the people approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as President. In a speech from Cincinnati, VP Biden pointed to teaching and law enforcement jobs being saved, because of the stimulus. For the record, there is no statistic that can accurately measure the number of jobs saved. (By the way, there is a statistic that says we’ve lost roughly two million jobs since the stimulus passed). Continue reading Second Stimulus?

Biden Makes Fun of Obama for Teleprompter Use; UPDATE: Video Added


In a classically Biden moment our Vice President ripped on our President for his famous reliance on teleprompters. Biden delivered his joke while speaking to new Air Force graduates. From Top of the Ticket:

not content to leave without a jaunty ad lib, Biden noted that heavy winds were gusting through the ceremonies. One of his two teleprompters had toppled over. Alluding to the jokes of Obama’s reliance on the speech-facilitators, Biden added, “What I am going to tell the president when I tell him his teleprompter is broken. What will he do then.”

Oh boy. Please let the man speak more often. Dream Scenario: Obama replaces Gibbs with Biden for Press Secretary… if only.

UPDATE: For your viewing pleasure

If Only Christopher Buckley Was Half as Intelligent as He Fancies Himself to be

And if only he was half as intelligent as his father.

Alas, he’s a moron.

Christopher Buckley

(Photo courtesy of Steve Giralt)

After his shocking realization that just because someone is pompous enough to write two autobiographies before accomplishing anything significant with their life doesn’t mean they are presidential he re-affirmed his presidential pick (H/T Hot Air). But, of course, his reassurance does little more than insult John McCain and Sarah Palin as well as heaping a heavy load of absurdly naive hope on Barack Obama. I guess you can’t teach an old fool… well, anything:

I’ll cop to getting Obama wrong, though it seems a bit early to give up on him entirely; who knows, perhaps he’ll view this egregious budget misstep as a “teachable moment.”

or, in other words, Buckley still thinks Obama isn’t a hard core liberal ideologue…

Our choice, last fall, was between an angry 73 year old with a legislative record far from consistently conservative, who nominated as his running mate a know-nothing religious extremist; on the other side was an appealing, thoughtful man who–for a brief shining moment–seemed to be more than the sum of his ideological parts.

If I had to vote all over again, I’d pull the same lever. Maybe I’m obtuse. Or maybe I just haven’t yet entirely given up on the old audacity of hope.

Yea… I can’t stand this guy. Not in the least.

UPDATE: Hello everyone from Ace of Spades HQ. Make yourselves at home and try not to break anything…

Bitter Ex-Pastor: Obama ‘Ain’t Jesus’

Obama and Rev. Wright

Well, look whose popped back up in the news. Yup it’s mister God Damn America himself. Sounding perhaps a bit bitter and maybe even a little religion-clinging Rev. Wright had this to say on Thursday:

On Thursday, Wright was addressing more than 700 people at a mass meeting that kicked off the 44th anniversary celebration of the 1965 Selma-to-Montgomery voting rights march.

The event was held at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, site of the first mass meeting that led to the watershed voting rights movement in Selma.

During his address, Wright cautioned against putting too much faith in Obama.

“Barack’s name ain’t Jesus. Barack ain’t gonna improve your child’s reading score. There are things we’ve got to do on our own,” he said.

The odd thing is that his statement is actually relatively coherient. I suppose I am actually forced to agree with the nutbag for once… ewww that sends a cold shiver down my spine.

I guess that bus Obama threw him under must have knocked a very small amount of sense into him. or maybe it’s the taxes Obama wants to pub on his mansion that is changing Wright’s mind?

Obama Aide: Don’t ask Don’t Tell Must Wait

So much for that campaign promise:

In an overlooked YouTube video posted on Friday, a spokesman for Barack Obama said the president-elect is committed to ending the policy that bars openly gay men and women from serving in the U.S. armed forces.


Gibbs on Wednesday expanded on his answer, saying, “There are many challenges facing our nation now and the president-elect is focused first and foremost on jump-starting this economy.

“So not everything will get done in the beginning but he’s committed to following through” with ending the policy against being openly gay in the military.

In other words, I promised to do this so you would elect me but in reality I’m not going to do anything to actually see don’t ask don’t tell overturned. However, with the dems in control of congress I don’t think it’ll take any push from Obama for the policy to be overturned which is to bad because it’s a policy which has worked well since its inception.

UPDATE: Welcome to everybody from Ace where the expiration on all of Obama’s promises was pointed. I guess you could call him a flipflopper but I prefer to call him Bobblehead Barack.

Bush Declares Emergency in DC for Inauguration

They only do this preemptively in the case of hurricanes. What the heck is going on here? I mean their first estimates for how many people would be there was an absurd 5 million. Now its down to 1.5 to 2 million which still sounds like an over estimation.

I don’t know, it feels like the Bush administration is just buying into the inauguration hype. But I guess its better safe than sorry: Continue reading Bush Declares Emergency in DC for Inauguration

Bobblehead Barack

obama bobblehead

Come on… will the merchandising ever end?

I mean how can I be expected to take this “monumental achievement” when its being cheapened to the level of the snuggie.

I mean sure this time Obama’s people weren’t the ones behind the cornyness, it was a minor league baseball team from Brooklyn or “Baraklyn“, but they’ve sponsored their own crap fests as well.

I swear the genius who came up with this promotion is a political satire savant. Just check out the full package: Continue reading Bobblehead Barack