In case anybody was still wondering how radical the American system of higher education is…

Here are 3,247 (and counting) of those who run the system that signed a petition in support of “Distinguished Professor” Bill Ayres.

Can’t say I’m surprised.

Well, actually, I am quite surprised that nobody from my school, Messiah College, has signed yet.

Also, for all my friends at West Chester University, I just wanted to point out Professor Lawrence Davidson as a supporter of Bill Ayres… Good luck in his completely balanced classes!

(I forgot to mention that if you look at the petition’s site the professors are listed by name and school. So you can look up your favorite nut job professor to see if they’ve signed yet! Have fun.)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors have read Ayres’ book? (they easily could have since it was republished in 2006)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors are going to read Ayres’ new book?

Best undercover reporting EVER


These videos have got to be THE funniest interviews I’ve ever seen in my life, and trust me I’ve seen some good stuff (like the videos at Newsbusters). The video’s I’m speaking of involve Jason Mattera (of going undercover as a left wing nut job and interviewing the protesters at the DNC in Denver. While its certainly true that simply watching left wing nut jobs talk about….. well.. anything… is hilarious in and of itself Jason manages to subtly but masterfully lampoon the geniuses right in front of them without them ever catching on!

Now, inevitably, you’re going to read this and say to yourself… ok CP (that means College Politico for all you newcomers out there) ridiculing far left nut jobs isn’t the hardest thing in the world to do… even right in front of them… even without them realizing you’re doing it. And, sure, you would be correct because, I mean, lets face it, these people are so detached from reality that a metal shovel to the face probably wouldn’t faze them.

However, what makes these videos exceedingly enjoyable and sets them apart from, say, Fox New’s coverage of the protesters is just how brilliantly Jason Mattera absolutely burns the protesters while simultaneously making them his friends. These videos are the undercover reporting equivalent to Ali’s famous rope-a-dope tactic. I was brought to near tears by the amazing performance Mattera put on and I cannot wait for more.

But don’t take my word for it… check out the two posts so far (Warning: Some Cursing):
Encounters with the left
Marxists Unite!

My favorite lines so far:
Woman: “I have leg hair dude, I’m a human being. I have body odor and I have hair on my body.”
Mattera: “I think you have more than me.”
Woman: “Yea”

Mattera: “I think we need more atheists like you to tell the Christians what the bible says because they obviously don’t read it objectively and you can read it objectively”
Guy: “yea”

I will keep updating this post everytime a new video is posted so y’all come back now ya hear?

UPDATE: Ironic… Ward Churchill, who was fired for not being able to come up with original material, has shown up at an event which had to plagiarize EVERYTHING about itself (recreate ’68).

UPDATE: New videos!

UPDATE: Even Newer Videos! (the best edition yet)

UPDATE: The Final Hilarious video

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