Palin Staying in the Spotlight, Back on the Campaign Trail

Sarah Palin will be campaigning for Saxby Chambliss on Sunday and throughout next week in Georgia.

Sarah’s massive popularity in Georgia should give Chambliss’ run-off campaign an energy boost. And while Palin isn’t the only big name Republican to turn out for Chambliss, others include Huckabee, Romney, and McCain, she is most certainly the brightest star at this point.

With a close race against Democrat Jim Martin on his hands Chambliss can certainly use all the support he can get. Hopefully this, coupled with the lack of Obama voters for Martin, will put Chambliss over the top.

We shall see…

Hey someone in the media finally gets it!

Shocking, I know.

But true.

Just check out Jonathan Martin’s article over at The Politico. Its about how McCain will be called a racist no matter what.

Sure its something that’s been obvious for months but, hey, give him credit for figuring it out at all.

P.s. Someone should send this to McCain and tell him to start making Rev. Wright an issue again. Its not racist by any means and its completely relevant.  After all he attended that nut job “church” for twenty years yet he still tries to claim that he has good judgement… its a joke waiting for a punch line. Start swinging McCain.

Congress finally gets oil drilling right, by doing nothing.

It took forever but Congress has finally caved and will not stop new drilling for off-shore oil.

Good news I’d say.

But, of course, as anybody who knows anything about government can tell you, there is still a mile of red tape to get through before anybody can actually go and actually drill for oil offshore. The biggest problem is in getting congress to pass a revenue sharing bill which cuts the states in on the money that drilling will enevitably bring in. Until then its doubtfull that the states will allow any drilling…

But I’m hopeful.

After all this is a winning issue for the Republicans and a loser for the Dems so the Republicans will push this as hard as they can until its settled and the Dems, as evidenced by the surrender on the drilling ban, simply can’t afford to fight back too hard.

So, as I said before, good news.

P.s. I can’t wait to see what this does to oil prices

House passes drilling bill!!! Oh, wait…

Yea… we can drill now. The only problem is that we can only drill where there isn’t any oil.

Oh and in exchange for getting to drill where there isn’t any oil we have to pay more taxes. And I say we for a reason, sure the estimated 18 billion dollars in new taxes will be leavied on the oil industry but, as anyone with half a brain knows, those taxes will most certainly be passed right along to us. Of course the Democratically controlled congress doesn’t understand that because well… they’re working with a smidge less than half a brain… collectively.

But, despite the facts, I can see the headlines tomorrow:

“House passes drilling ledgeslation! Democrats deliver and America falls even more in love with them”

“Democrats in congress win on energy, Nancy Pelosi is hero of the day”

“Nancy Pelosi steamrolls Republicans on drilling, everyone happy”

“Pelosi and Dems save America from energy crisis”

But here’s one headline you wont see:

“House passes 18 billion in new energy taxes, leaves 88% of offshore oil untappable”

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Biden vs Palin so far…

So the number 1s have chosen their number 2s. Lets take a minute to make a video comparison of the two latest video from Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.

Here’s biden at a campaign event making a little gaffe and sounding just plain painful… (Bob Casey jr was negative 2 years old at the time)


And here’s Sarah Palin on CNBC sounding smooth and informed… plus she isn’t afraid to directly critique her own party.


McCain’s pick looks better and better every hour… can you say the same of Obama’s pick?

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Sarah Palin, The most experienced?

So, now that the pick is in, its time for the Democratic attacks to start…

What about Sarah Palin (who went to the University of Idaho) will they attack you ask? Well, as Ironic as it is, her inexperience…

That’s right, Barack Obama and his surrogates will attack Sarah Palin because she doesn’t have enough experience to lead… boy oh boy. Now, any sane person will surely see right through this pathetic tactic (seriously, couldn’t they come up with anything better?) but I figure why not examine it anyway?

Well, it is true that Sarah Palin has only been Governor of Alaska for a year and a half. However, as Barack Obama pointed out himself once, Obama actually has less on the job experience that Palin since he basically started campaigning for president immediately after being elected to the Senate.

But beside that point, there is a whole nother aspect to this whole “experience” debate… an aspect that Palin wins hands down (even when compared to McCain).

And that is the experience of running a government. Palin is the only one who has any executive experience. She is the only one knows what its like to be the one and only person in charge of making the important decisions (from all accounts they’ve been good decisions) and accepting responsibility for their consequences. Being an executive is most certainly a whole different experience from being a legislator.

Palin’s executive experience adds a lot to McCain’s ticket… not to mention the many other advantages she brings.

Good job McCain, you have seriously made a winning pick. I am impressed.

UPDATE: Obama attacks but then backs off

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Obama intro video: less than a minute dedicated to his experience

I just rewound my Tivo after I was surprised at how little time they dedicated to trying to establish Barack Obama’s experience in his introduction video. And I’m not kidding on this… it was less than one minute, and that includes when they were talking about his “community organizer” and state senate days. According to my rough count they spent about 20-30 seconds (my exact count was 20 but I’ll throw in a buffer) on his national political experience.

And even more odd than the lack of time spent on his national experience, because lets face it there just isn’t much, was how they choose to highlight his time in the US Senate.

After quickly mentioning that fought for “energy independence”, “Nuclear Proliferation”, and “Ethics Reform” the video cuts to US Senator Claire McCaskill saying “I watched him stand in the middle where alot of the senior members of the Senate were saying “hey, go away and leave us alone”, he wouldn’t”.

I guess that was intended to make him sound determined… but it doesn’t give any context. I mean why were they telling him to go away? What were the senior Senators talking about? Why did Obama want to talk to them so badly? Honestly, without an explanation it just makes Obama sound annoying (or determined depending on your perspective I guess).

In stark contrast to the time allotted to talk about Obama’s experience about 5 minutes were dedicated to talking about his childhood…

Things can’t be good for your party when the 10 minute video introducing your candidate at his acceptance speech only spends 20 seconds talking about his experience in national politics…

UPDATE: Best line of the night for me was when Obama claimed that he wasn’t a celebrity… while delivering a speech to 85,000 adoring fans… in a converted football stadium… in front of a set that looks like a temple… with a massive fireworks display at the conclusion

UPDATE: Nomination acceptance speech or Super Bowl half time show? You Decide…


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