Check Out These Debates

Opposing Views has some very interesting debates on a lot of important issues. They get experts from both sides to make their respective arguments. They actually do the job that higher education should do… but I guess that’s for another time.

Here are some of the best debates I’ve seen and my quick answers to the questions they debate: Continue reading Check Out These Debates

McCain in the debate, good or bad? What do you think?

I didn’t get to watch so I’m asking you guys…

From the play by play over at Malkin it sounds to me like McCain killed. And thats impressive coming from someone like Malkin.

But what I really want to know is what my (awesomely brilliant) readers think. Did McCain win? If he did was it by enough? What was your favorite moment from the debate?

Don’t they get that image is… well, everything?


What was one of Sarah Palin’s aides thinking when they described her two day trip to Arizona in order to prepare for her upcoming showdown with Joe Biden as “Debate Camp”.

The same genius also referred to Sarah Palin as “SP”, I mean come on… what is this aide thinking?

Are they trying to make her look less ready to lead?

When you have a candidate whose biggest criticisms are that they are too young and inexperienced how can you refer to them in such an informal way when talking to the media? If you want to refute those criticisms you have to constantly refer to her as Governor Palin, constantly.


How can anybody think more highly of her after hearing that term? How can anybody see her as more presidential? How can anybody see her as more informed and intelligent?

Doesn’t this aide get that language and the way you use it is important? And who is letting this aide talk to the media… are you kidding me?

Image, people, its all about image.

Somebody please tell me this aide is unemployed by now…

(Hat tip: Hotair)

The Debate… Who cares?

Well, I guess a lot of people do (Malkin even called it “a historic night“).

But I don’t.

And, honestly, why should I? What purpose was there in watching that boring thing? I mean, come on, what was I going to learn from last nights debate that I didn’t already know? And even for uninformed people what was there to learn last night that you couldn’t have learned in a far more accurate way from either of the campaign websites or from any number of fact checking sites?

Don’t get me wrong, I love a gaffe as much as the next guy, and there were plenty to choose from last night. But let’s just take Obama’s Troop bracelet gaffe as an example, what does it show us that we didn’t already know? That Obama doesn’t really care about the troops all that much? Or maybe that they aren’t at the top of concerns?

OK, but didn’t we already know that? (I mean this guy’s whole campaign is centered around destroying what the troops have built)

Lets think about it another way… If Obama had been able to remember the name on the bracelet or if he knew the entire history of Sergeant Ryan David Jopeck and recited it to a T, would that mean that he really does care about the troops? Or that he puts the troops at the top of his list?

So, really, if we there isn’t anything to learn from the debate and the gaffe’s that come out of it are little more than pointless then what other reason could there be?

I guess I could watch if I wanted to get pissed off… I mean I saw about a five minute clip of the two of them talking about the economic crisis and it only served to piss me off. Seriously, when I heard Obama start talking about how deregulation is what caused the troubles we are facing I couldn’t help but yell at him.

“Deregulation, Obama? Are you kidding? Was it deregulation that created organisations to give people loans that clearly weren’t qualified for them and never would have received them otherwise? Was it deregulation that mandated financial institutes give the same clearly unqualified people loans? Thus creating a massive and seemingly unending housing boom which then lead to a plethora of bad investments, investments which were sold by the government as safe investments. No Obama it wasn’t deregulation, it was idiots like you.”

Then when McCain did nothing to refute Obama’s claims, and nearly repeated them, I had to just turn it off.

And, truthfully, after this charade I feel almost less informed and a little angry.