North Korea Wants Ticket to Obama Inauguration

Yup, they want to send their chief nuclear envoy to witness the coronation inauguration of Obama.

They were even extra super nice in asking and refrained from their usual US-bashing crap.

If the Associated Press is right about these bad guys (who are really just misunderstood good guys) then maybe they’ve turned of a new, less murderous, leaf:

The North’s move, if confirmed, would be another sign the regime is eager to forge good relations with the next U.S. administration.

But, gee-golly, call me a skeptic cause I just ain’t buying the happy face routine. Though it looks like we will never know because Washington has decided to rain on the parade and deny Pyongyang seats at the ball.

Bobby Jindal Says ‘No’ to Presidential Run

In a bit of sad news Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal bluntly told reporters “No” when asked if he was interested in being President.

The question came while Jindal was in Virgina endorsing Bob McDonnell who is a Republican running for governor of Virginia. And it came after Jindal stirred up speculation by visiting the all important primary state of Iowa last month.

Unfortunately, this rules out my favorite candidate for ’12. A man who has earned praise and respect for his successful application of conservative principles at a time when the popular thing to do is turn left. He has the credintials and ability to revive the party and the conservative movement, if he’s up to the task.

Fortunately, nothing any of the candidates say about running for president in ’12 means much of anything. Although it seems a little cynical to hope that someone I view as respectable is lying about his intentions…

AP Cites Workers ‘Occupying’ Factory as a ‘Rallying Point’

In an article heroically chronicling the efforts of 200 union workers “occupying” their old window and door factory the Associated Press made sure to emphasize how the squatters have given the nation’s grim economy a “rallying point.”

Here is how they introduced the story (emphasis added):

The nation’s grim economy now has a rallying point: Employees at a window-and-door factory that went out of business have taken over the building in a siege that has come to symbolize the woes of the ordinary worker.

Yes, that’s right; the AP sees a group of people who are illegally squatting on private property as symbolic of ordinary workers. They even describe the actions of these workers as a “siege” in an apparent sign that the AP thinks people unhappy with the bad economy should rally and lay siege to their work places.

But the AP wasn’t finished glamorizing and militarizing these workers actions:

The Republic Windows and Doors factory closed abruptly last week after Bank of America canceled the company’s financing. Since then, about 200 of the 240 laid-off workers have taken turns occupying the factory, declaring that they will not leave until getting assurances they will receive severance and accrued vacation pay.

Now, not only are the glorious workers laying ‘siege’ to the factory but they are occupying it and declaring their demands for money be met before they leave. As shocking and unlawful as this may seem to others it seems the AP can’t get enough of this behavior.

But the standoff has also come to embody mounting anger over the government’s willingness to bail out deep-pocketed corporations but not average people.

However, even as the AP is cheering on this act which they seem to view as something  glorious and militaristic they cast doubts on the legitimacy of the workers claim that the law says they are owed vacation pay because they were not given 60 days notice before they were laid off:

The law allows businesses to close without giving the required notice under certain circumstances, such as if another company that is the sole source of income suddenly goes out of business, said Mark Johnson, president of Erisa Benefits Consulting in Grapevine, Texas, who said he was not familiar with the Republic case.

Associated Press Cites Cookie Success as Example of Obama’s Change

No… I couldn’t make this up if I tried:

Want an example of the change Barack Obama is bringing to the country? Check out cookie sales at Baby Boomers Cafe in Des Moines.

Yes… that’s right, not only is Obama our new savior but he is now our new Pillsbury Doughboy.


Actually, judging by this comment from the owner of the cafe that Obama has shown his grace upon maybe he is a strange doughboy messiah combination, or, in other words, he is a savory savior:

“I think everybody just … thought, ‘Oh, great cookie, great president _ the world is a happy place. Barack’s going to fix all the problems and if I have a bite of this cookie it’s going to make me feel good,'”

Bristol Palin watch out… The AP has a crush on Levi Johnston

Yea, you read it right.

The Associated Press seems to have a crush on Levi Johnston, which is obviously odd considering the fact that the AP has been so very unfriendly and unprofessional towards the Palins.

On second thought though… I guess only one thing changed. Now instead of being unfriendly and unprofessional they are too friendly and unprofessional. I mean this article, while less deranged than their others, still fails the test of legitimacy for a professional news agency.

Just look at some of these quotes from the article (my emphasis added):

“Johnston, a Wasilla heartthrob, said he wanted to set the record straight.”

He’s dark haired, tall and muscular, sports a bit of stubble and drives a red Chevy Silverado truck.”

“He’d be the perfect cover for Field & Stream.

Seriously, I thought this was an article about Levi dispelling all the idiotic rumors swirling around him not a five dollar romance novel you’d buy from the corner drug store.

Don’t get me wrong though, I love that the AP suddenly decided to debunk some of the myths they surely helped to create but when I look at this article how am I supposed to take it seriously? Come on AP, being unprofessional in the other direction for once doesn’t make you balanced…