It looks like the main backers of the proposal to obliterate the University of California’s standards, The National Center for Fair and Open Testing, have close ties with some of the most radical men in America, George Soros and William Ayres.
Yes, that’s right, Soros and Ayres both actively fund the organization which is, according to my UC grad contact for this story, mainly responsible for trying to kill UC’s standards and by extension its respectability.
But nobody should be too shocked here as only people who believe absurd things could possibly be behind the absurd changes that have been proposed thus far. Changes that include:
1. Removing the SAT II subject test requirements because, get this, some applicants don’t know they are requirements for acceptance. I think former Congressman Doug Ose captured my reaction to this one the best when he said:
“This staggeringly simplistic rationale raises legitimate questions about the wisdom of the regents’ willingness to consider admitting to the UC system students who cannot understand the most fundamental step of entering college which is to apply for it.”
2. Lowering the minimum GPA requirement from 3.0 to 2.8 along with eliminating the SAT II subject test. Yet they still try and argue that this move is intended to bring in more qualified students than the current standards do… Who are they kidding?
3. And this is my favorite, removing the SAT II subject test as requirements in order to promote “diversity”, even though race-based admissions policies have been illegal in California since 1996, and despite the fact that most experts agree that the SAT II subject tests actually help minority students get into college because they allow them to showcase abilities that would otherwise go unnoticed. California Assemblyman Van Tran elaborates on this…
All of us who believe in quality education that is based on performance, and only performance, need to take a stand against this (further) cheapening of our valued institutions in higher education. We need to get involved and put pressure on the people considering these absurd proposals.
Visit saveucstandards.com to learn more about how you can stand up for what is right.
UPDATE: The Washington Examiner reports that UC will cut its enrollment by 10,000 students making the proposal to slash admission requirements all the more absurd.