Not So Shocking News: 53% of Rescued Borrowers Default Anyway

Proving that incompetent and irresponsible people will be incompetent and irresponsible no matter how many breaks you give them or how much taxpayer money you throw at them, U.S. Comptroller John Dugan revealed yesterday that 53% of borrowers with loans modified in the first three months of 2008 and 51% of those with loans modified in the second quarter could not keep up with payments within six months.

Seems like pure common sense to me… a financial free pass from the government is no cure all. In fact, its little more than snake oil.

But will this make a bit of difference to those caught up in the Massive Bailout Madness? You can bet it wont.

UPDATE: Malkin’s Duh of the day

Is Bradley Jacobs of Us Weekly the new Dick Harper?

So, Bradley Jacobs, the senior editor of Us Weekly appeared on Fox News’ American Election HQ at 5:55 today to defend the hit piece they slapped on their increasingly worthless (and I mean by the minute) cover page. And as you may have already guessed, it was atrocious.

But, as the clearly unprepared, stumbling, and bumbling hack, Bradley Jacobs, fumbled his way through the first half of the interview… ok, actually the entire interview… I couldn’t help but be reminded of the scene in “Fun with Dick and Jane” where Jim Carey’s character is taken completely by surprise and gets utterly man-handled (or in this case woman-handled, gosh I’m so clever). I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit… (I can’t say the same of the rest of the content of the interview)

But don’t take my word for it… compare the videos yourself:


UPDATE: Do my eyes deceive me or did Us Weekly wipe (looks like their comments section is back up and running now… simple glitch or something more?) their site clean of the 5600 (looks like there’s almost 6000 comments now) negative comments they received on their hit piece? (here’s a cached version of the page so you can get an idea of the comments, you know… in case the comments section suddenly goes down again)

UPDATE: More bumbling idiots from the left come out after Palin… Proof positive that her speech hit home!

UPDATE: MASSIVE backlash directed towards Us Weekly…

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