How to Reach the Next Generation

Smosh, The Fine Brothers, PewDiePie, KSI, Ryan Higa.

Those are the most popular celebrities among teenagers right now. They’re all more popular than Katy Perry, Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo Dicaprio, Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, and everybody else listed in this summer’s Variety commissioned survey.

Who are Smosh and company? They’re Youtube stars.

Between the 5 of them they’ve garnered about 75 million subscribers and they’ve accumulated over 10 BILLION views. BILLION.

Most of those subscriptions and views come from people under 35. And while the biggest names on Youtube are gamers and comedians there is  a clear audience for political shows as well.

The Young Turks proves that.

With over 1.7 million subscribers, 65 million views per month, 27.5 million unique viewers per month, and 18 million unique viewers under 35 per month Cenk Uygur’s show provides indisputable proof that Youtubers are interested in news and politics.

The complete lack of competition for The Young Turks also reveals what kind of opportunity there is on the site. Among the other top Youtube channels in the News & Politics category almost none of them deal with politics AND make videos specifically for Youtube.

The atmosphere is practically begging for serious newcomers.

That’s where Games & Guns comes in. The political talk show I started a few short months ago is designed to fill the gap and reach those who likely haven’t heard both sides of the political debate… if they’ve heard any of it at all.

Games & Guns combines all of my favorite things… gaming, shooting, news, and politics. It informs as well as entertains.

Between myself and guests like RedState’s Erick Erickson, the Media Research Center’s Dan Joseph, and National Review’s Jim Geraghty conservatism is well represented. On the other hand, guests like Bloomberg’s Dave Weigel and MSNBC’s Adam Serwer give the views a chance to see opposing sides interact in a new and more honest way.

However, Games & Guns needs your help to take things to the next level. I’ve already invested hundreds of dollars of my own money but, unfortunately, I can’t afford to finance everything I need by myself. That’s why I’m asking you to help me raise $2,000.

With that money I’ll be able to build a new desktop computer that can run the video games, screen recording software, and video editing software I need. It’ll also get me an HD cameras and studio lighting that’s necessary for high quality productions. With this equipment I’ll be able to create more videos, with more guests, at a higher level, and far more often.

Compared to the millions of dollars it would take to produce a popular TV show or movie with a conservative message, I think that’s a pretty good deal. I’m hoping you do too.

Plus, if none of that convinced you, my girlfriend will be doing a Youtube style makeup how to video once we reach our goal… with my bearded face serving as the model.

So, make sure you donate!

1st Annual CPAC Competition and the Domination Dominatrix

The first ever CPAC competition edition of Games & Guns is up! Watch as host Stephen Gutowski competes against the National Review’s Jim Geraghty, Breitbart’s John Sexton, The Shark Tank’s Javier Manjarres, Mister Smith Media’s Michael Deppisch, Breitbart’s Ezra Dulis, Banana Republican’s Rachel Jurado, Slate’s Dave Weigel, and Dialog New Media’s Matt Scheffield.

But, first, check out the domination dominatrix.

Ok, now the competition!

Oh, and some nice elevator music to boot!

Sporks, are they Evil? Yes.

What do you guys think? Are sporks unnatural abominations or are you a he-devil like Dan Joseph?

Also, I believe this week we captured the first candy machine assisted kill in VIDEO GAME HISTORY!

All that plus the National Rocket Launchers Association, Call of Duty Ghosts’ new gun game mode, the CBO’s report on how awful Obamacare is, and the sad Superbowl on this week’s episode of Games & Guns! Enjoy!

Floating Arms and a Gun

“Oh my God I’m just floating arms!!”

Seriously, why don’t you have legs in Left 4 Dead 2? Anyway, here’s the full episode of this week’s Games & Guns featuring special guest Rachel Jurado and CLOWN ZOMBIES!!