The Government Wants Your Dick Pics | Games & Guns #10

This week’s episode explores the darkest of all government conspiracies. The one where those crafty bureaucrats use the Xbox One to take secret pictures of your dick. BEWARE!!

The whole thing makes you want to go on a RAAAAAAAAMPAGE!!!

And then dash the heck away…

Chrysler Expected to Fail Despite Bailout

Well, there’s absolutely no way anybody could have ever seen this coming. There was no way to ever predict anything like this. No posible way to figure out that the massive bailout madness would backfire and leave the tax payers holding the tab. Who would’ve thought that the brilliant thinking behind all of this could have turned out to be idiotic?

But none the less most analysts now expect Chrysler to fail despite the massive amount of cash the government has thrown their way. These hideous numbers, reported by the Associated Press, tell the story of the idiocy that is the automakers bailout:

Even by the standards of battered automakers, Chrysler is in dire shape. Its sales in December were down a stunning 53 percent, far worse than Ford or General Motors, and analysts say it probably won’t survive the year as an independent company — despite $4 billion in government loans and the possibility of more.

Things were so bad last year that a single Toyota model, the Camry/Solara midsize car, outsold the entire fleet of Chrysler LLC’s passenger cars.

It gets worse: Continue reading Chrysler Expected to Fail Despite Bailout