Tom Hanks: When I Said Mormons Were ‘Un-American’ What I Meant to Say Was They are the ‘Most American’

In an apology put out today by Tom Hank’s public relations firm he took back all the mean things he ever said about anybody.

Ok, well, not exactly. He actually took back his recent comments that Mormons in California were Un-American because they supported proposition 8 which banned gay marriage. But it had about as much meaning as it would have if he’d just said nothing at all.

I mean the apology simply reaks of a forced hand. I bet he didn’t even bother to write it himself. And I think its darn clear that he didn’t mean it. Sure, its a well crafted statement but it only concedes one point. The point that people who supported prop 8 aren’t un-American but really it seems he believes that’s only true because nobody should be labeled un-American not because he feels differently about them.

Also the complete 180 from calling their actions and beliefs “Un-American” to calling them the “most American” shows the disingenuous nature of his “how do I get away from this backlash” apology. I mean who is gonna go from hating someones ideas and actions to absolutely loving or respecting them in the span of a couple of days?

Give us a break Tom Hanks. Nobody believes you’re sorry.

UPDATE: Hot Air gives a possible reason for the remorse

Obama Aide: Don’t ask Don’t Tell Must Wait

So much for that campaign promise:

In an overlooked YouTube video posted on Friday, a spokesman for Barack Obama said the president-elect is committed to ending the policy that bars openly gay men and women from serving in the U.S. armed forces.


Gibbs on Wednesday expanded on his answer, saying, “There are many challenges facing our nation now and the president-elect is focused first and foremost on jump-starting this economy.

“So not everything will get done in the beginning but he’s committed to following through” with ending the policy against being openly gay in the military.

In other words, I promised to do this so you would elect me but in reality I’m not going to do anything to actually see don’t ask don’t tell overturned. However, with the dems in control of congress I don’t think it’ll take any push from Obama for the policy to be overturned which is to bad because it’s a policy which has worked well since its inception.

UPDATE: Welcome to everybody from Ace where the expiration on all of Obama’s promises was pointed. I guess you could call him a flipflopper but I prefer to call him Bobblehead Barack.

And they wonder why they can’t win people over…

Seems the “NO ON PROP 8” supporters have been protesting and even fighting with police out in California. The protesters where disruptive enough that the Los Angeles Police Department had to declare a tactical alert which requires all available officers, including some from other precincts, to respond. Fox News even labeled it “rioting“, though that seems a bit excessive considering only a couple people were arrested and there doesn’t seem to be any property damage or injuries at this point… Here’s a link to the video, judge for yourself.

Either way this is pathetic on the part of the gay marriage proponents. I mean, when you throw tantrums and threaten people after you’ve lost an argument do you really think its going to change their mind?

P.s. Here’s a final thought… Now that we know what the gay marriage supporters will do after losing a ballot proposition, what do you think an Obama loss would have been like?

UPDATE: Malkin eventually picked up this story and has more details on the mayhem

UPDATE: Now they’re getting people fired simply for supporting Prop 8.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: More details on the economic and personal aftermath associated with simply supporting Prop 8