An American Carol: I can’t wait

I’ve seen all the trailers and preview excerpts and my excitement only builds. And that actually surprises me since An American Carol is a conservative comedy which takes on Micheal Moore and the far-left. And nothing is more hit or miss than conservative comedy.

Often more miss than hit at that.

Think Half Hour News Hour…

And while David Zucker made Airplane! and the Naked Gun series… he also made the last two Scary Movies

But from everything I gather about the movie it actually seems like it should be hilarious.

1. The aforementioned Zucker can be hilarious and he seems especially interested in this movie besides he’s pretty much staked his career on it.

2. The movie, unlike the last two scary movies, is chock full o’ movie stars including, Kelsey Grammer, James Woods, Dennis Hopper, Leslie Nielsen, and so on.

3. The trailer and clips aren’t nearly as stupid as ones for epic movie, date movie, scary movie 4, and on and on and on. Plus many of the clips I’ve seen have actually exhibited the clever quips that made Airplane! a classic.

Ex: General George S. Patton (Kelsey Grammer) slaps Micheal Malone (Kevin Farley).

Patton: I am General George S. Patton.

Malone: That would explain the slapping…

4. The parody sites they’ve set up, like, are rolling on the floor funny.

5. It actually succeeds in reminding me of Scrubs, a show I love. I hope it can live up to that feeling.

Here’s the trailer. See what you think:


Here’s some promo clips:


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Campaign development of massive importance: Guy who makes Sarah Palin’s glasses likes Obama

It was important enough for CNN to spend a full web-article and a full 2 minute piece for TV.

Reading through the article it seems that they performed an Olympic-sprinter-warming-up type stretch to reach their point which is crystallized in their headline: Palin’s glasses designer likes Obama

Now, sure, according to their reporting that is true. But what the headline chooses to ignore, in order to seem like their is an actual story somewhere in this fluff, is that he likes Palin too. In fact he says that he is “quite right-wing”.

But anyway, I’m not saying that CNN is doing anything all that devious or that they were distorting Kawasaki words beyond recognition. Rather, I’m trying to point out CNN’s tabloid-like tactics in trying to make up a story where there clearly isn’t one. Well, that, and I just find these idiotic pseudo-gotcha fluff stories.

P.s. When will they FINALLY track down the designer of John McCain’s slacks and determine his political leanings? We are waiting CNN!

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