The Government Wants Your Dick Pics | Games & Guns #10

This week’s episode explores the darkest of all government conspiracies. The one where those crafty bureaucrats use the Xbox One to take secret pictures of your dick. BEWARE!!

The whole thing makes you want to go on a RAAAAAAAAMPAGE!!!

And then dash the heck away…

Sporks, are they Evil? Yes.

What do you guys think? Are sporks unnatural abominations or are you a he-devil like Dan Joseph?

Also, I believe this week we captured the first candy machine assisted kill in VIDEO GAME HISTORY!

All that plus the National Rocket Launchers Association, Call of Duty Ghosts’ new gun game mode, the CBO’s report on how awful Obamacare is, and the sad Superbowl on this week’s episode of Games & Guns! Enjoy!

What’s Next for Health Care?

After a month long Congressional recess, the health care debate is returning to Washington D.C. With President JeffersonObama’s poll numbers slipping, along with the support for the Democrats’ health car proposal, health care reform is at a major crossroads. That is why Obama has been focusing a lot of energy into his top domestic priority, including addressing a joint session of Congress, the first since after 9/11.

Thus far in the reform process, Democrats have almost exclusively worked with other Democrats, ignoring the public’s call for bipartisanship on the issue. Liberal Democrats have refused to part with the so-called “public option”, while Republicans have entirely opposed such an option. Fiscally conservative Democrats, called Blue Dogs, have show some resistance to that detail, but it is unclear which way they would vote on a bill with it. While Congress agrees health care reform is needed, neither side seems willing to compromise anything. Continue reading What’s Next for Health Care?

Stop Obamacare!

With the August recess for Congress underway, President Obama has failed in getting health care reform completed before members of Congress left Capital Hill for the respective districts. With the President’s approval rating dropping rapidly, support for his massive overhaul on the best health care system in the world has also decreased.Obamacare

The reason Obama wanted health care finished before the recess can be explained in one quote: “I plan to have a lot of town hall meetings.” This was said by Rep. Allen Boyd Jr. (D-FL), a leader of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of fiscal conservative Democrats. When Congress hears from members of their respective districts, and their problems and questions about this legislation, Congressional backing for this type of health care change will decrease to match their voters’ support.

If you listen to Congressional Democrats and President Obama, you would think our health care system is broken and ineffective. However, groups around the world think differently. Recently, the World Health Organization, an agency of the United Nations, ranked our health care system number 1 out of 191 counties for being responsive to patients’ needs. Also, in an ABC News poll, 89% of Americans are happy with their health care coverage. Continue reading Stop Obamacare!