In case anybody was still wondering how radical the American system of higher education is…

Here are 3,247 (and counting) of those who run the system that signed a petition in support of “Distinguished Professor” Bill Ayres.

Can’t say I’m surprised.

Well, actually, I am quite surprised that nobody from my school, Messiah College, has signed yet.

Also, for all my friends at West Chester University, I just wanted to point out Professor Lawrence Davidson as a supporter of Bill Ayres… Good luck in his completely balanced classes!

(I forgot to mention that if you look at the petition’s site the professors are listed by name and school. So you can look up your favorite nut job professor to see if they’ve signed yet! Have fun.)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors have read Ayres’ book? (they easily could have since it was republished in 2006)

UPDATE: I wonder how many of these professors are going to read Ayres’ new book?

Liberals and “Insane rage”

I feel like I have to link to this story by Michelle Malkin (here’s the syndicated article) because the media has been pissing me off more than usual lately with their stories on how out-of-control, insane, crazy, hateful, bloodthirsty, evil, maniacal, vindictive, racist, nasty, vulgar, beast-like, and mob-like the crowds at McCain-Palin rallies have been.

Michelle’s piece is pretty comprehensive but its pretty impossible to catalog all of the insane acts liberals have been driven to by their own derangement. So I’ve decided to add two to the list really quickly.

First, there’s always the story of the nut-job Bush hater who punched a wheelchair-bound girl who has cerebral palsy. He did this at an event for Laura and Jena Bush’s children book… (New York Post has more details on this)

Second, there’s the case that I observed first hand in 2006 at the Chester County Republicans Headquarters on South Church Street in West Chester Pennsylvania. At the time I was the assistant grass roots coordinator, a volunteer position, for the Victory campaign and we were working out of that office. It was at that office that local liberals, most likely from West Chester University, decided it was appropriate to throw bricks through the front windows of the office not once but twice.

P.s. Awesome day in Football. Eagles win, cowboys lose, and I don’t have to listen to Olbermann’s annoying voice on Football Night in America (maybe NBC will fire him from that gig too, you know, since he sucks at it)!