Review: Jason Mattera’s ‘Obama Zombies’

Why yes. That is me sandwiched between Erick Erickson and Dr. Herbert London on the front page of Human Events.

My review of Jason Mattera’s book “Obama Zombies” was published by them today and I think you should, ya know, go read it. Here’s a taste to get your appetite going:

In 2008, twenty-somethings like me began to notice a disturbing new creature appearing on their college campuses around the country and all over their favorite social networking sites.  They seemed to spread out everywhere, spewing meaningless dribble in the form of campaign slogans and infecting others as the year went on until it appeared a full-blown epidemic had emerged.  What were these ominous beings and where did they come from?

Required Daily Reading


It’s been a while but here’s your required daily reading for today:


Required Daily Reading


Time to put on your reading glasses kiddies:

Obama: I choose my Marxist professor friends carefully

Yup, that’s what he said in his book… (dreams from my father)

“I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foriegn students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and stuctural feminists.”

Related: The constitution under Mar… opps I mean Obama

“U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) whipped the crowd up before Mr. Obama took the stage yesterday telling them that America needed a Second Bill of Rights guaranteeing all Americans a job, health care, homes, an education, and a fair playing field for business and farmers.”

Related: Obama the redistributer

(picture by The People’s Cube via Malkin)