The Government Is Killing Buses All Over Again

Statists never learn.

According to Reason TV, in the early part of the 20th century the government began heavily regulating a new industry in the midst of its unprecedented expansion. That industry was busing. And the regulations overreached to include setting fares, schedules, and even outlawing competition in some areas.

The bureaucratic mess created by the government ended up crushing the industry.

The industry remained in a slump until President Reagan removed many of the devastating and unnecessary regulations from the industry and some dynamic entrepreneurs brought the industry back from the brink. Now, many new bus lines are popping up and becoming popular. The revival of the industry is nothing short of amazing.

Unfortunately the bureaucrats have taken notice they want what they always want: more control and more regulations. They’ve already shut down several bus lines over seemingly exaggerated safety concerns. In fact, they shut down one bus line despite the fact that none of its buses had ever been involved in a fatal crash.

All those who enjoy cheap and convenient bus service ought to be leery of any new regulations on the industry. People should be especially cautious of those regulations that seem to have no basis in reality. Otherwise we may end up with the bus industry in disarray once again.

Published by

Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is an award-winning political reporter who got his start in 2009 when he founded this blog.

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