The Truth About the “Military Kidnapping” Video From the G-20

By now the video which apparently shows military personnel “kidnapping” a protester right off the streets of Pittsburgh yesterday has already made the internet rounds. It even made it on to the Drudge report this morning. Thus, not surprisingly the complete lack of facts surrounding what is happening in the video and its brevity have lead to wild speculation about what is really happening.

In case you missed it here it is:

Its crazy isn’t it? It really looks like the military is just picking up some guy and taking him away at first glance… but a second look reveals that the men in the video are wearing different kinds of camouflaged fatigues that many have claimed aren’t up to military standards. Plus the fact that two police officers can be seen at the tail end of the video doesn’t help clear up the situation. And, of course, this picture taken by a University of Pittsburgh photographer doesn’t help matters:

Pittsbugh Police

Well… I was really confused about what actually happened in this video so I decided to do a little leg work and find out for sure. First I was able to confirm, through a spokesperson, that the men in the video are NOT from the Pennsylvania National Guard who are on the ground assisting the police in crowd control but are NOT carrying weapons or making ANY arrests.

Next, given that the people in the video aren’t from the Pennsylvania National Guard, I wanted to see what the Police had to say about the video. So I contacted the Pittsburgh Police Department and they gave me the number for the G-20 Joint Information Center which handles press requests on G-20 related security questions.

The G-20 Joint Information Center, which can be reached at 412-402-7630, issued this statement to me which explains exactly what is going on in that video:

The individuals involved in the 9/24/2009 arrest which has appeared online are law enforcement officers from a multi-agency tactical response team assigned to the security operations for the G20.

It is not unusual for tactical team members to wear camouflaged fatigues. The type of fatigues the officers wear designates their unit affiliation. Prior to the arrest, the officers observed this subject vandalizing a local business. Due to the hostile nature of the crowd, officer safety and the safety of the person under arrest, the subject was immediately removed from the area.

So, yes, the video is real. However, it wasn’t the military and the guy wasn’t being kidnapped. Instead he was being arrested for vandalism.

60 thoughts on “The Truth About the “Military Kidnapping” Video From the G-20”

  1. Okay, so it’s legit. That makes it even scarier. What happened to law enforcement wearing visible designations, reading rights, etc.? What “agencies” are these guys from? Why the military look? Police uniforms not available? This isn’t a combat scenario. If they’re military, then they are disregarding the prohibition against use of the military for domestic law enforcement purposes. Your explanation raises more questions than it answers. I’d rather have learned that it’s a fake. Left AND right ought to be made nervous by these apparent police state tactics.

  2. However, it wasn’t the military and the guy wasn’t being kidnapped. Instead he was being arrested for vandalism.

    Yes sure, “arrested”. Perfectly normal. Perfectly Normal. Perfectly normal. The more I say it, the more I get nervous.

  3. Why in hell would any city host the G20? The businesses are not making any money from this. The tax base is at minimum because the streets are empty. You yankees need to recall your Mayor and town council. Maybe even put them on trial for inciting a riot and failing to adhere to there oath of office. The cops in this video did not arrest that man they kidnapped him and should be facing federal charges as a result.

  4. kudos to the pittsburgh police for skirting those annoying posse comitatus restrictions! why break the law by using the military to police when it’s way easier to just turn the police into the military? give the cops tanks and acoustic weapons and battle armor and helicopters and now, apparently, even dress them up like soldiers.

  5. “Since when did you need a joint op to arrest a vandal?”

    Arresting a vandal is not a joint operation but security procedures for the G20 summit is a joint operation. Arresting criminals during enforcement would probably fall under their umbrella.

    “What happened to law enforcement wearing visible designations”

    That’s not required. Just think of undercover officers.

    “reading rights, etc.?”

    You don’t have to read rights at the exact time of arrest, just before questioning.

    “Why the military look? Police uniforms not available?’

    Assumedly they’re with National Guard.

    I totally understand the scene. Large crowd of protestors, maybe a few getting violent. You can walk up to the entire crowd and arrest one guy, hoping that the crowd doesn’t attack, or just snag the guy … if they do it for other criminals, why not this guy?

  6. I suspect the guy with the backpack was arrested and restrained in the conventional way prior to when this video begins. All the video shows is the part where he’s put in the car. Given that the cops are surrounded by a potentially violent crowd I can understand why they didn’t stick around to chat.

    It’s a real bad idea to have police officers wearing camo fatigues out on the streets, though. It’s completely unnecessary and an obvious source of confusion. Wear tactical gear or a proper uniform.

  7. “Okay, so it’s legit. That makes it even scarier. What happened to law enforcement wearing visible designations, reading rights, etc.?”

    You don’t read rights during every arrest except on TV. You read rights when the person is in custody AND being questioned. He was being put in custody but not questioned.

    And did you ever hear of plains clothes cops? Well, at least these guys had on some type of uniform.


    People aren’t just picked up, placed in cars, and driven off without due process!!

    They’re not cops, they never identified themselves. They never told him his Miranda rights.

    Where is he now?!

  9. It’s normal in the new Amerikkka for “protesters” to get kidnapped by camoflaged soldiers.
    No big deal. everything’s OK.
    Go back to sleep, or better yet, just go watch some TV.

  10. This should be a big warning shot to every American that knows anything about history.
    The MSM will paint this as NORMAL but it’s not.
    It’s more evidence of America being taken over by fascists.
    It’s too bad those POLICE “just following orders” are selling out their family’s future with their treason to our Constitution.

  11. Yeah i sure did read it… hence the comments.
    This should disgust you. instead you sympathize with the “Police” against the “vandals”
    We’ve all seen a bunch of video showing the police COMPLETELY out of control.
    kidnappings and beatings. deny it all you want.

  12. Fricken criminal scum deserved to be shot down like the parasite he is. Get his addy so we can go vandalize his parents house the same way he vandalized some innocent businessman.

    Hysterical how the “anarchists-lite” respond to chaos. “wtf? wah! wtf is wrong with you? wah!”

  13. “People aren’t just picked up, placed in cars, and driven off without due process!!”

    Well, yes they can. Kind of. If the officers had probable cause to arrest the suspect, such as seeing him vandalize a business, then due process has been satisified and he can be arrested accordingly. Due process will continue to be served during his arraignment and following legal proceedings.

    “They’re not cops, they never identified themselves. They never told him his Miranda rights.”

    How do you know that they didn’t identify themselves? Just because the video doesn’t record them saying “You’re under arrest” doesn’t mean that it wasn’t said. And miranda warnings apply to questioning not arrest.

    “Where is he now?!”

    Probably in lockup with the other protestors that were arrested.

    I love when people reference the constitution and assert what is illegal/legal, when they haven’t really read the Constitution or know the law.

    I mean “treason to our Constitution”? How is arresting a vandal unconstitutional?

    Pitt Law Grad.

  14. College Politico, you did an excellent job on this story! Kudos.

    To all of you who are saying this isn’t normal, you’ve been watching too many cop shows. There are swat teams all over the country that wear cacamouflage Cops don’t have to have be wearing “cop clothes” and all they have to do is verbally identify themselves as cops. Cops don’t have to read Miranda rights before they detain someone, only before they question them. This guy had been caught vandalizing a business, and the cops were under attack. They had every right to get the guy and themselves out of the middle of the rioters before they did anything else. They didn’t violate any “rights” and there were uniformed cops standing right there watching. If you don’t want to be yanked off the street by cops, don’t riot and destroy personal property!!

  15. That is a load of Poo. I don’t care if that story is true or not because of the blatant bias in this article. You are just looking for an excuse to justify this kidnapping-like arrest (If we are to believe this) The fact is that they don’t attempt to verify the persons ID. They don’t attempt to read him his rights. They are wearing military fatigues without Badge numbers. This is totally unacceptable. First it was cops with sticks and dogs. Next it was a riot cop task force. Then they had tear gas and shock grenades. Then rubber bullets and military training. Then sound cannons and private contracting. NOW THIS!? WHAT IS NEXT? I’ll tell you what’s next. More and more so-called arrests. Thugs dressed in fatigues who feel that their is no limit to their official authority and who do not answer to simple things such as “jurisdiction”. They are subverting the rule of law here, not enforcing it!

  16. The spokesperson at G-20 Joint Information Center, which can be reached at 412-402-7630, either told the truth or put spin on the story. Local jails, sheriffs and booking or arrest notices websites , may locate him.
    If he was a vandal, his face wasn’t masked like an anarchist. Let’s hear from him or his public defender lawyer.

  17. Kids, this is a travesty caught on tape and thank God for the people who filmed it. It is proof that the police state mentality is completely gone berserk, these kids watching protesters have been attacked by riot police and gassed in another video…all in the name of “security”. We want to know the victim’s story. We want to be sure he was duly processed. He IS innocent, until proven guilty.

  18. ” That is a load of Poo. ”
    — I agree, your response is about as useful as fecal matter —
    “I don’t care if that story is true or not because of the blatant bias in this article. ”
    — Sucks when the objective truth to you is considered biased–
    You are just looking for an excuse to justify this kidnapping-like arrest (If we are to believe this)
    — Definition of arrest is the taking custody of a person by a show of force, as minimal as laying hands on someone to put them in handcuffs–
    The fact is that they don’t attempt to verify the persons ID.
    — Good idea, right in front of an unruly crowd which puts both officers and civilians in danger. You can identify them in a safer area where noone is at risk–
    They don’t attempt to read him his rights.
    — Don’t see an interview going on. Don’t see why he needs to know about his rights to remain silent, anything he said can be held against him in court, that he has the right to an attorney before questioning. But he’s probably watched enough tv to tell the officer that. They always do. —
    They are wearing military fatigues without Badge numbers.
    — Many uniforms dont’ have badge numbers. Would you rather have them running around in bunny costumes so everyone sees the police as lovable and a pushovers and not to deter crime —
    This is totally unacceptable.
    — Yes, please leave —
    NOW THIS!? WHAT IS NEXT? I’ll tell you what’s next. More and more so-called arrests. Thugs dressed in fatigues who feel that their is no limit to their official authority and who do not answer to simple things such as “jurisdiction”. They are subverting the rule of law here, not enforcing it!”
    — Work a ten hour shift, as a matter of fact work a whole month of shifts, then come back here with your experiences. You know as much about what the law is as you do what it’s like to really be a police officer. If you think these cops wake up every day and go “man I’d really like to screw with some rioters” then you need to slow down some. More often then not the cops don’t go to sleep with a smile because of what they did to other people’s civil liberties, they toss and turn because they are trying to not relive the nightmares and horrors they see everyday on what man can inflict on another. —

  19. Excellent work. I used your info on the youtube video to bring some logic to the insanity. But unfortunately, as is evident even here, the truth just will not suffice for some. It’s funny how these so called “non-sheeple” jump at shadows while ignoring very real monsters at work.

    Keep up the good work.

  20. unruly crowd? officers at risk? Nightmares and horrors, oh the humanity!
    SO PITYFUL: the only thing informed citizen has right; Its so sad to see these slobs do the dirty work of feds playing with new military policing games on protesters. But why though are we advised to “work a ten hour shift” how quickly we foget SS excuses at the Nuremburg trials?

  21. I wonder how many of you people that think this is wrong are under the age of 25. The Miranda rights only have to be read to someone bfore they are being questioned. ” You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, ect….” A police officer has every right to detain an individual whom he suspects has commited a crime( yes young ones, vandalism is a crime),without first reading the suspect his Miranda rights. The scurity personel have been duly authorized to assist in police actions and therefore are in complete compliance with all laws, pertaining to detaining the suspect. If he and all the other protestors were to do it peacefully, without hiding their faces with bandanas and the likes, this would not have happened.

  22. Funny you think you did the investigative “leg work” by calling the police to find out what happened. Did you do any investigative “leg work” to find out if the police’s story is actually true? If you’re going to pat yourself on the back for being an investigator here…then maybe you should get a little bit more information…. how do you know the kid is really a “vandal”? Where your leg work there? We have video footage and then people try to claim it’s made up…while the cops/military/intelligence just come up with bullshit to cover their tracks and you think they’re the decent ones.

    And if you did do the leg work to find out this kid is a “vandal”… do a little historical “leg work” to let me know then if you think this is an appropriate, legal, or human response to “vandalism”

    …the leftist aren’t the “extremeist” here. Go out on the streets of Pittsburg for just a day and tell me what you see. Let me know then if you think $20 million dollars of tax payers money, helicopters, assault weapons, sound cannons, kidnapping,pissing on decontamination supplies, beatings, taserings, circling in on nonviolent groups of people while pounding on your nightsticks and making announcements about physical injury, and lock-downs of medical clinics is a bit “reactionary” or “extreme” here. These are war tactics, making these demonstrations and the issues at hand at these demonstrations a war…which side are you on?

  23. What happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?

    What, the Government doesn’t have to prove their charges to a Jury of his peers anymore?

    Alleged vandal, people, A L L E G E D!!!

    Let the Government prove their case!

  24. ..that looked pretty sloppy..I’m ex military and something did not look right about that. The ‘throw em in the back’ seemed more mobster than military. I feel the WAY they did it was more important than the reason. I’m sure ‘da man’ was on edge and trying out new tactics here and there. Logic tells me this will happen more in the future an in different places. I also feel a lot of people told to wear tin foil hats are right.
    ..its all about energy!
    …cough cough..

  25. it was a u.s. army vehicle. the people doing the kidnapping were not following arrest procedures either. this is more neocon lies trying to cover up their support of nazi unconstitutional legislation, such as the john warner defense authorization act, military commissions act, and patriot act.

    until the neocons repeal their nazi legislation, i don’t believe anything you say nor anything a federalized and militarized gestapo says. i believe my eyes.

  26. Who exactly is the author of this article? Someone from the “multi-agency tactical response team”? The last statement is obviously not true. “However, it wasn’t the military and the guy wasn’t being kidnapped. Instead he was being arrested for vandalism”. So if the military collaborate with multiple agencies then they are no longer the military? This is deplorable. This is outrageous. Also, if you are not read your rights before before being kidnapped you are being kidnapped. Whoever is operating nameless behind this blog is part of the problem by trying to paint this as a constitutional act.

  27. I sure hope you got a recording of the phone call you made to the police…if not, i would call back and record it….and make sure you remind them of their actual duties because its clear that they have forgot along the way.

  28. The law the law the law. We are a nation built on laws, and the rule of law helps to keep and maintain order. But when law enforcement agencies act too forcefully, singe their consciences, and run over the people with sheer brute force for small crimes something very wrong is happening. Why are so many people shocked by this video? Because it is the wrong way to “arrest” someone. It has nothing to do with watching cop shows, it has to do with plain common sense. If you’ve seen any of the other videos of how peaceful protesters were harassed by the police and their freedom of speech and the right of peaceful protest taken away (even with a permit) it will become terrifyingly clear that big brother has taken control. This will not be seen by the average person as a simple arrest, but as an unlawfully forceful and unnecessary act of force which did not fit the crime. The people have had enough, and something is going to act as a spark to set off a civil conflict of terrible proportions and videos like this one can end up doing that. One never knows what can act as a spark. The rights of the people are being run over roughshod. Anarchy will result sooner or later. It’s a real shame. For the first time in my life people of all walks of life are saying that they see the end of the USA coming. How could this have happened? We let it happen, and when people look at things such as those portrayed in this video and shrug it off as “legal, okay, and perfectly fine” they also singe and sear their consciences to what is right and in protecting their rights.

    Those men in camo aren’t anything you’ve been told.
    Neither is the fella being “ARRESTED”.
    This website is fulla sh^t!
    They “spirited” this guy away for HIS safety!
    He was an agent planted to infiltrate.

  30. you are a lie i know the law a am a student of LAW the law is ” when an arrest is made miranda rights MUST BE READ AT THE TIME OF ARREST! no in between. no through them in the car and then read rights. who do you work for????? must be them!!!!

  31. Seems like some people think it’s OK because they think it was staged.
    So it’s OK if a govt official acts like they are committing a crime? How about inciting a riot or entrapment?

    Seems like some people think it’s OK because this was not military.
    So it’s OK if police look like military and act like fascists?

    Seems like some people think it’s OK because this guy was arrested for vandalizing property.
    So it’s not innocent till proven guilty? And what about the rule of law? Criminal or not, he’s got rights.

    Seems like some people think it’s OK because this guy is a “commie”.
    Ever heard of “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out…Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.” ?

    Staged or not, Military or not, Guilty or not, Commie or not – there needs to be an investigation, this is unacceptable behavior and someone needs to be held accountable.

  32. Actually on the 2nd pic you can see both 3 guys in camo.
    The black guy is just behind the riot officer in the front right,
    you can also see clearly his shoes, and his pant is a bit darker

  33. Hey College Politico, You should thank me.
    As Healthy Skeptic posted:”Vandalism? Since when did you need a joint op to arrest a vandal?”

    Instead you resort to the insult-mongering, not a valid response, or one that is particularly “cerebral”…and you call me stupid?

    Another point: I’ve worked as a Gov’t Employee for 31 years, and I’ve seen more coverups than you can imagine.

    So consider this friend:
    It’s not about Alex Jones
    It’s not about conspiracy theories.
    It IS about believing what you see with your own eyes and learning to exercise critical thinkingto reach a valid conclusion.
    We live in a society of video games,movies, and TV shows that constantly program us,in many cases, to not believe what we are seeing.
    And in an age of “SPIN”,e.g.”I did not have sex with that woman”, etc.

    I’ve seen a lot..have a lifetime of experience to draw upon.
    When I did attend college,one of my profs told the class how he threw his TV out the window!
    He reminded us of this for a few days until one day he was called out on this by a fellow student,accusing him of being full of sh^t.
    Whereupon the professor loudly congratulated the student for his “critical thinking”.
    POINT?…the professor admitted he was BSing us all week!
    POINT?…Stop being gullible of authoritarian figures.

    I worked GROUND ZERO…yeah I was there ..I am a Fire Lieutenant,paid professional,soon to retire.

    Look around son, the truth is there everywhere.
    Please don’t be a rubber-stamp for these Fascist forces.

    I reply to you today not just for your sake, not to dilute your credibility, but for the many others who see this here.

    And I’ll discuss this with you anytime here on your site.

    1. Look.

      If you watch the video closely it shows the man with the blue backpack being chased by the men in camouflaged fatigues. They then grab him and put him into the car and drive off. Providing cover for the men in camouflage are two Police officers in full riot gear that appear at the very tail end of the video.

      That’s it. That’s all it shows.

      If that were all the information we had then theories could go on and on forever. Luckily we have more than just the video. We now have an official explanation and an extremely reasonable one at that. We also have a picture of the men in camouflaged fatigues standing with police in full riot gear and what appears to be the same man in the blue backpack on the ground (look at his shoes and pants) in zip tie hand cuffs.

      Given the actual facts we know why is it unreasonable to believe the official story? Seriously… give me some actual facts that contradict the official explanation.

      But you have no actual facts. All you have is inane speculation from the black pit that is Alex Jones…

  34. Reply to:”But you have no actual facts. All you have is inane speculation from the black pit that is Alex Jones…”

    I’ll sum it all up for you buddy boy:
    You have no facts.

    “The G-20 Joint Information Center, which can be reached at 412-402-7630, issued this statement to me which explains exactly what is going on in that video:”

    Did you believe Geithner when he told everyone he’d made a mistake concerning his tax return also?
    Did you believe Paulson when he threatened martial law if Congress didn’t acquiesce to his demands for the TARP bailout?

    “Given the actual facts we know why is it unreasonable to believe the official story?”

    What facts?
    Another official version?

    A “shrink” might diagnose you as co-dependent due to your considerable minimalize,justify,rationalize point of view.
    Now go back and read what I last sent you…and get the Alex Jones association out of your thought process.

    It’s really set you up psychologically to deny the many possibilities.

    “But you have no actual facts. All you have is inane speculation from the black pit that is Alex Jones…”

    Wow! How do you feel about Gerald Celente,Glenn Beck, John Batchelor or Sarah Palin?
    After all, this is a forum for opinions, viewpoints and discussions.
    They have opinions also, mostly arrived at through what they’ve heard,seen,experienced….. or felt in their gut.

    As far as facts…you’ve posted a video (a fact)
    As far as facts…you have an official explanation.(NOT a fact)
    As far as facts…All you have is inane speculation that a Security Force’s spokesperson is telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    And what exactly do zip-tie handcuffs prove?
    Anyone can purchase those through the many catalogs online.

    Go with your “gut” feeling.

    Since when are people not allowed to peacefully assemble?
    Since when has it become “ordinary” for our rights to be so routinely violated?
    Since when have there been such a blur between the military,the local police force, and private security?
    Those are FACTS!

  35. LOL @ Danton. Firstly, How many coverups have you seen as a fire lieutenant? You’ve told us to doubt everything we see cause the “truth is out there.” Well I am doubting you. So give me some facts about these “cover-ups.” Secondly, Your reasoning is neither sound nor logical. You present that video as the only fact in the case. But you lack a great deal of context for the video. For instance, there is no way for you to know whether or not the protestor was a vandal much less presuppose that he was a secret government agent or w/e. So from your POV, your conclusion is just as ridiculous as the college politico’s, isn’t it? You are guilty of the same crime you are accusing TCP of. Except, here is the kicker, TCP actually did a little research and came to a more valid conclusion than yours. A truly good critical thinker looks for context and then draws conclusions. Your context consists of this: I’ve seen coverups/conspiracies, therefore this must be a coverup/conspiracy.

    As for ppl like Erica Little, you should perhaps look at giving back all that money you paid for your law degree. I took one criminal justice course in college and this was one of the first things we learned: The Miranda warnings must be read prior to questioning of the suspect, not prior to or during the arrest of a suspect. If you don’t believe me, then look it up. Anywhere you look will tell you that. But I doubt you’re a student of the law anyway, so you probably will not take the time to look it up. And if you are a lawyer, thanks for leaving your name. Now I know who not to go to if I need legal counsel.

  36. First, it is obvious to anybody with half a brain cell that those guys weren’t military. I might have thought it was a publicity stunt by the protesters, but the guys in camo looked too clean and in shape to be some Anarchy Inc quasi-commie professional shit disturbers. The official explanation makes sense.

    Second, why is everybody bitching about this guy’s rights being violated? Since when are the police not allowed to arrest somebody unless their guilt is proven? There’s a reason we have trials, folks.

    If you don’t want to get arrested, don’t valdalize businesses and public spaces. Better yet, just stay away from these spoiled hippie-crites altogether.

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