Shocking degradation we all must fight against

First and foremost is the case of this video from Students for Life of America where they get Planned Parenthood to admit that they perform infanticide:

Please donate to them and help Students for Life fight infanticide and abortion if you are able.

The second case of shocking degradation is brought to us by our old media friends at the Los Angeles Times. You see, the LA Times happens to have a tape of Barack Obama giving a toast to terrorist mouthpiece Rashid Khalidi during a farewell diner in Khalidi’s honor back in 2003. Sounds like a huge news story right?

Well, not if your the Los Angeles Times I guess. They have refused to release the video to the public. Now, they’ve given several different reasons why since this story came to light but I think their motives are pretty obvious (especially if these claims prove to be true). They simply don’t want to hurt their candidate, sure the LA Times will say that they were the ones who first reported about the tape, but we all know that video of Obama praising a nut job like Khalidi would hurt him far more than a description of Obama speaking at an event involving a nut job like Khalidi, especially when that description is written by a hack organization like the LA Times.

There is a protest being organized against the LA Times today so try to make it if you can

Published by

Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is an award-winning political reporter who got his start in 2009 when he founded this blog.

One thought on “Shocking degradation we all must fight against”

  1. For those clinging to the idea that, “Well, these are 22 week babies at the oldest, they couldn’t survive even if you did provide care,” I looked at the margin of error in estimating gestation age — as well as the fact that while this facility’s cut-off is 22 weeks, others do elective abortions as late as 26 weeks.

    These 22 week babies might actually be 24 week babies with a 40-70% survival rate.

    Though, of course, if you wrap them in a towel and stick them in a closet, they have a 0% chance of survival.

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