McCain ahead in Ohio and Florida, gains in Colorado

McCain 49% and Obama 47% in Ohio

McCain 49% and Obama 48% in Florida

McCain up a point against Obama in Colorado since the 5th (still down by 4%)

Here’s the details

So lets stop all this idiotic panic please. I mean seriously, Obama is running in a dead give away Democrat year with about a 4:1 money advantage and McCain is still within the margin of error nationally and in most important states. Obama couldn’t be a weaker candidate…

It’s gonna be close, just like the past two elections. You know, ever since the current red/blue demographics were aligned. Seems to me that despite all the rhetoric about changing the dynamics the election is going to be won or lost in the same states as ’00 and ’04. And it will probably come down to each parties get out the vote operations, just like the past two elections.

So, really, the fact that McCain never fell more than, say, 8 points behind nationally (and I don’t even think it got that bad in most battleground states) at his worst and the fact that he is pretty much back to even now should make us all very happy. After all, who had the better GOTV operations in ’00 and ’04? And while Obama may have made up ground its still widely recognized that the GOP has much larger and better voter information databases.

Honestly, people, recent history tells us that McCain is in good shape. Heck I might even consider him the front runner at this point.

Happy Birthday to Michelle Malkin

I just wanted to take a quick second and say Happy Birthday to Michelle Malkin.

As many of you who read The College Politico regularly know Michelle Malkin is a major source of news and perspective for me. I find her opinions and principles to be some of the most enlightening and consistant in the conservative movement. Not only that but I find her to be one of the foremost leaders of that movement.

Plus Michelle is doing almost exactly what I hope to do in my career, producing insightful, vivid, and clever commentary that cuts to the heart of an issue and enables people understand and connect with it. I hope some day I can write and speak with half the briliance Michelle Malkin displays on a daily basis.

So I hope that you stop over at this link and wish her a happy birthday.

UPDATE: Michelle’s birthday wish