House passes drilling bill!!! Oh, wait…

Yea… we can drill now. The only problem is that we can only drill where there isn’t any oil.

Oh and in exchange for getting to drill where there isn’t any oil we have to pay more taxes. And I say we for a reason, sure the estimated 18 billion dollars in new taxes will be leavied on the oil industry but, as anyone with half a brain knows, those taxes will most certainly be passed right along to us. Of course the Democratically controlled congress doesn’t understand that because well… they’re working with a smidge less than half a brain… collectively.

But, despite the facts, I can see the headlines tomorrow:

“House passes drilling ledgeslation! Democrats deliver and America falls even more in love with them”

“Democrats in congress win on energy, Nancy Pelosi is hero of the day”

“Nancy Pelosi steamrolls Republicans on drilling, everyone happy”

“Pelosi and Dems save America from energy crisis”

But here’s one headline you wont see:

“House passes 18 billion in new energy taxes, leaves 88% of offshore oil untappable”

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Did Greg Gutfeld plagiarize Catherine McNicol Stock? I say, yes!

What else could explain the identical structure, basic claims, and ultimate conclusions of their two latest pieces? Clearly Gutfeld is a sick maniacal scum bag!

How dare he steal work from the beautiful (I’m assuming) and brilliant (this one is self-evident) Catherine McNicol Stock!

But don’t take my word for it, check out their two articles yourself.

Here is the insightful and poetic masterpiece by Ms. McNicol Stock: Intolerance thrives in Palin’s Pacific Northwest

Here is the trashy and lowbrow crap-fest by Gutfeld (here’s the video): Sarah Palin’s Murderous Web Of Death

I’m just glad that Gutfeld’s plagiarizing punditry is relegated to 3am on some channel I’ve never heard of and no one who plagiarizes like him is in or running for a position of importance in this country!